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the Stella's maiden voyage

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:03 pm
by AxeYrCat

That was really strange.

Today, I commuted on a scooter for the first time in a year.

It probably wouldn’t have been such an odd experience were it not for the fact that I’ve been commuting on a motorcycle for the past nine months (yes, even through the winter), and I didn’t really realize how bizarrely different the experience would be.

Also, it was the first trip out on the 2003 Stella I picked up last weekend. I replaced the (cracked) headlight with the halogen replacement, and I drained the gear oil and engine oil to replace them both with Motul synthetics. Apparently, I did everything relatively correctly, because it ran beautifully and didn’t burst into flames.

I don’t know if a 17 mile trip into work was necessarily the best shakedown run in the world, but I arrived here in one piece and without incident, so I can’t complain!

Things I’d forgotten:
Scooters being so light and nimble can make them feel twitchy. Ten inches of wheel communicates a lot more of the road surface to you than eighteen, and the considerably reduced gyroscopic action of those smaller wheels doesn’t force you upright. People will pull out in front of a scooter much more readily than they will other vehicles, motorcycles included.

All in all, it worked out rather nicely.

I’d be willing to bet, though, that I look a bit strange in gear more fitting a motorcycle than a scooter, but I imagine I’ll bring the jacket that I used to wear on my Buddy back from into action for a slightly less-amusing image… :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:08 pm
by bunny
Bring out the champagne! Maiden voyages should always be celebrated! Glad to hear your Stella is up to par.

And your experience switching over makes me wonder if I shouldn't drive Bonheur home myself despite OHs M license...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:11 pm
by iinigma7
Grats on being back in the saddle. The morning rides here in Greenville have been absolutely gorgeous the past few days...crisp, cool and invigorating. I'm glad I'm not the only one in the area that's been digging it.

And yes, people will pull out in front of you like a mofo. Matter of fact, yesterday someone actually pulled out behind me. I was in a turn lane turning left, traffic was slowing down for a light so a nice lady waved me through, and as I started to turn I noticed some chick that was sitting behind me in a cage behind me trying to snake around in front of me. Weird. I looked over and gave her the standard:

... look, then zipped into the parking lot. But yeah, people just don't notice us it seems.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:36 pm
by Scro
Awesome -- good to see you're under way.
If you think twitchy is wierd, just wait until you've been off the motorcycle for a while then ride it.

So... are you about ready to deblue, sito+ and upjet? I'll be there very soon and was thinking of starting a 'Stella Newbie Upgrade Path' thread over here.


Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:42 pm
by AxeYrCat
Scro wrote:So... are you about ready to deblue, sito+ and upjet? I'll be there very soon and was thinking of starting a 'Stella Newbie Upgrade Path' thread over here.
I'd considered it, but I don't think that's going to be something I'm all that interested in. Basically, it does what I want it to do, and I'm happy enough with the performance that I don't want to sacrifice money for parts and fuel economy...