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Close out on picnic baskets at Target

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:47 pm
by Bryce-O-Rama
I just wanted to let you all know that I scored a killer deal on a two person picnic basket at Target today. Originally priced at $40, it was on sale for $12.50! As you can see, it's a normal wicker box. It's got a leather (or leather like) strap with closure to keep it shut and a canvas like shoulder strap. It actually works pretty well and is reasonably comfortable with the basket being 12" x 12" x 14".


With the box open, you can see that it is quite inclusive. You've got some small wine glasses, small plates, napkins, a corkscrew, and a little rolled up thing.


The rolled up thing turns out to be silverware for two, and includes a knife, fork, and spoon for both parties.


Finally, you can see deeper inside the basket to the insulated area.


This was one of my motives for choosing the 2 person basket over the 4 person one, which were not insulated. The idea of having a built in cooler was a definite tipping point for me. Though I also liked the more compact size of this basket because it would be more likely to fit well on a scooter rack. I also rarely go on picnics with more than just one other person. If I did, I likely wouldn't be scooting and wouldn't need such a fancy setup.

So go check out your Target in the area with the decor type stuff that kind of rotates in and out. I was in looking for a wedding gift and left with I came for and this little thing. If they have one Now to find a scooter that has a bigger rack and styling more compatible with this basket. Might turn out to be one of the more expensive sale buys I've ever made. :lol: :cry:

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:50 pm
by GatsbyGirl
Love it. I'm headed to Target right now to pick up cat food -- just may need to make a little sidetrip to that aisle.


Added later:

You got a great deal. They have them here and they've been marked down, but only to $25. Maybe it's because the picnic season is longer in LA?