How to read oil level properly

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How to read oil level properly

Post by BuddyZane »

To screw in or not to screw in the dipstick. That is the question.

I'm a new rider, learning how to maintain my bike. Having fun so far and proud of myself so far for not destroying anything irreparably. I'm wondering whether to screw in the dipstick all the way before reading oil level or just push it in until it touches. I see the topic mentioned a couple times but with different recommendations: ... 96#p377796 ... 92#p340292

Similarly, I see that people have asked on the "Buddy Scooter Owners" Facebook group several times and amazingly, each time there were two opposing recommendations in response.

Is anyone aware of documentation or a source explaining the proper method? My owner's manual isn't specific about that point. I suppose too, if someone can report having done it the wrong way and watched their bike explode into smithereens, that could help lead to an answer by process of elimination.

I think I have a handle on the other aspects of the procedure (level ground, center stand); but advice is still welcome.

Thanks! Z
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Re: How to read oil level properly

Post by DeeDee »

Pull into fill up at the gas station. You are on dead level ground here. Fill up your tank. Gives the oil a minute to settle. Pull the dipstick, wipe it off. Insert it back in until it touches, don't thread it. Now pull it out and check the level.
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Re: How to read oil level properly

Post by sc00ter »

Funny you posted this question as it's not spelled out clearly in the owners manual OR the service manual. This is my 3rd Buddy 125 and I always did the following:
I remove the dip stick
Wipe it off
And just insert it. (I don't thread it back in)
Pull it back out
Make sure it's roughly in the lower to middle of the dip stick.

I also check the oil cold, usually once a month before pulling it out for the day.
I've never had a Buddy 125 run low on oil between the 2000 mile oil changes (and that's not always "at" every 20000 miles. I get lazy and can go over up to 500 miles.)
I also change the oil filter every other oil change/every 4000 miles.
But my current Buddy 125 is brand new and I will follow the factory service requirements until the warranty expires. That's 3 years of following rules!
My last 2 Buddy's did 40,000 miles and 25,000 miles with no mechanical issues.

Also, on my old Buddy's I ran cheap regular 10-40 oil and used 87 octane fuel. My new Buddy calls for 15-40 Full Synthetic oil and 91 octane minimum. Weird for sure but I'll do what Genuine says.

Stupid side note(s) before I forget.
NEVER start any Buddy with the dip stick removed! Not even on accident! I will cause a huge mess!
Follow the oil filter torque procedure to the letter. You do not wan't one to come loose.

Oh, and welcome to Buddy land! They are great quality scooters and will serve you reliably for many years!
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Re: How to read oil level properly

Post by BuddyZane »

Thanks for the recommendations. These are helpful!
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Re: How to read oil level properly

Post by eggsalad »

On the center stand, NOT on the side stand!
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