Another Blur question

All things Genuine Blur

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Another Blur question

Post by docjones »

I hate to beat a dead horse but I really want to buy a Blue 220i. There is one for sale in middle Florida, $2500.00 with 312 miles on it. I know, why buy one and not drive it? Do the factory belts last more than 8000 miles? I see one guy has replaced his several times. Are the OEM (factory) belt readily available? I guess I really just want to know if parts in general are available for this old (2013) Blur? I hate to say it but I'm used to Honda scooters and parts being readily available as far back as 2006. Please help with this discission? Tom
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Re: Another Blur question

Post by scootERIK »

I don't know much about the Blurs but I wouldn't buy a used one now. A 10 year old scooter with only 312 miles is going to need some work. If you are lucky it's some easy stuff like new fluids. But it could also have bigger issues like needing a complete new braking system. Genuine/PGO have some great scooters but when they sit for years they can be a real pain in the butt to get up and running again(any scooter that sits can be a pain.) I have read about people spending $500-1000 to get an old Buddy back up and running so I can only imagine how much it could cost to get a Blur going and that is if you can find parts.

*I know people will disagree with me and that's ok.
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