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LA/SoCal 8/10 : ADVENTURISTS SG : Perseids Night Ride

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:35 pm
by Skootz Kabootz
Greetings LA/SoCal MBers!

It's that time again! Time for the Adventurists Scooter Group's annual night ride to the middle of nowhere to view the Perseids Meteor Shower. Sure we may be in LA, but for our kind of night out with the stars we need to get as far away as possible!

This year, following in the success of our Super Moon night ride, we will return to the Angeles National Forest via Angeles Crest Highway and ride as far as we need to go to escape city lights and enjoy optimal meteor viewing.

So saddle up stargazers, put on your favorite reflective vest, check your headlight, get ready for a great night of adventurous riding!

Ride night is Saturday August 10. Full details are available on our ride page.

We hope to see you there.


Skootz / Justin