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MCs vs Scoots

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:24 am
by C2
First off... I don't want to offend any of my “dual riding” MB brother and sisters with my upcoming rant. These are just some observations I have noticed since I began riding.

My commute to and from work is about 15 miles round trip. Along the way I usually see about 5-7 MCs. When I first started driving “Tang” to work, I got a bunch of nods, head dips and other two-wheeled love from the others around me. It was almost as if they knew I was a newbie, and were giving me support.

But now... it seems that almost all of the MC riders now want nothing to do with me, and are upset that I'm even riding on “their road.” I had a guy on a lovely Ducatti come up right on my ass, only to gun it and blow past me the other day. What the hell did I do? Is it because I don't lane split? Because I tend to ride in the right-hand lane?

Do MC riders really dislike us scooter folk that much?


Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:40 pm
by Dibber
I get this from some MC riders, but most seem to get along with me. I stop by a HD shop to get a free Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly paper and have never been treated bad. Most of the MC riders are amazed at how fast the Buddy 125, but for you keep smiling, waving or nodding to the MC riders because positive attitude always prevails over negative ones.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:12 pm
by Lostmycage
You're not the first to bring this up, you won't be the last.

<a href="viewtopic.php?t=12243&highlight=#163895">Don't click this if you're sensitive to criticism or reality checks...</a> I'm pretty sure I can't word that any better, so I'm not going to.

The guy on the Ducati, however, is a complete ass. From what I've gathered, people who ride like that usually sort themselves out one way or another. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:31 pm
by iwabj

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:53 pm
by nateandcourt
I wave at everyone depending on my driving conditions.

rain / wet roads : no
busy traffic : no
intersections : no
Curve in road : no
gravel : no

You get the point.

A friendly wave is not worth wiping out.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:17 pm
by bluebuddygirl
I think it boils down to this... there is a diverse demographic of people in every group, including the two wheeled kind. There are scooter riders that are a-holes too, but a few less, as scooter riders don't tend to be proving anything. Most MC riders respect anything on 2 wheels, but there are always jerks. Some people that ride certain brands of bikes have respect only for others on their same brand of bike, whereas some don't care.

Basically, a jerk is a jerk no matter what they ride or drive. I like it when I get a wave but I don't expect it. In an area like here there are so many bikes that it gets ridiculous after a while to wave at everyone, never mind focusing your attention on other bikes rather than driving.

That guy that rode up on you is just a jerk, but that doesn't mean that others don't like or respect you just because they are not focusing their attention on waving nodding.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:25 pm
by ericalm
I posted this on ModernVespa in a similar thread about motorcyclists' perceptions of scooterists.

Some sweeping generalizations:

:evil: Squids—the young sportbike riders in t-shirts and mohawks on their helmets who needlessly rev their engines at lights and ride like jackasses—are the most dismissive. They are also the most deserving of a kick in the junk.

:| Harley riders seem to have different opinions depending mostly on age. The older ones who just love to ride think they're kind of cool. The younger badass types with tats and huge pipes (but little pipes if you know what I mean) cop the usual macho, "Huh, scooters are for girls and gays, huh huh" attitude.

8) The more serious kneedragging riders in full leathers who we meet while riding up in the canyons and twisties are usually actually pretty cool, especially when they see that we can actually ride well. When we stop at the local famous biker hangout in the canyons, we usually get a lot of stares. It's usually the older ones who will come up and admire the scoots and ask questions.

:!: In fact, we usually get more respect, waves, etc. any time we're out riding in places where there are a lot of MCs and where they don't expect to see cute l'il scooters. I have a lot of stories of bikers of all types who were surprised and impressed that we were riding from LA to Amerivespa.

:mrgreen: Among non-riders, again, it's usually the over 55 or so crowd that comes up and asks questions or pays compliments. The 35-40 something dads pushing strollers just gawk enviously.

:wtf: When riding through more impoverished, predominantly minority (black, Hispanic, Asian) neighborhoods, I get a lot of shouts and questions as well as looks as if I'd just dropped down from space. The questions often start with "How much do those cost?" I usually say, "Anywhere from $2500 on up." When they ask how fast it goes, I lie.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:25 am
by peabody99
some of my observations as a lady scooterer who takes various rides:

Sport bikes are the worst-but they mistakenly wave to the Kymco head on thinking it is a peer, not knowing what they are doing until they are right on it. I love watching them trying to abort the wave :lol: suckers!

Some Harley riders like the Vespa. I was pretty much ignored on the Buddy, save a few"cute" comments, but they seem to appreciate the vespa and ask a lot of questions, admire the asthetics.

females and kids love the Buddy even more than the Vespa. "cause it's darling I guess.

I have over 10,000 miles under my belt. I get some waves from ladies on the back of MC's, when initiated, but I got my first unintiated wave from a women driving a MC (Harley) not long ago on the Vespa. I was beside myself-maybe a little giddy even-, b/c most female riders do not seem to want to bond with a scooter chick. I would wave and wave, but nothing in return but a snub so I was pretty stoked.

also-my most shameful moment- racing a douche on a sport bike between a few lights on the GTS. I won BTW :oops: I really should be more mature by now.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:48 am
by Kaos
peabody99 wrote: also-my most shameful moment- racing a douche on a sport bike between a few lights on the GTS. I won BTW :oops: I really should be more mature by now.
Heh, I catch myself doing that too. It is sorta satisfying beating their 750cc+ Monsters with my little 161cc though :P

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:24 am
by DennisD
I have sinned. I must confess that I have raced from light to light in a city block with a couple of Harleys and me on my Helix. I won. :twisted:
No, I don't know what kind. Big ole chromy things with whitewalls and suitcases.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:46 am
by KCScooterDude
I go both ways, so I think I have something to add.

My Blur looks like a sport bike until you get close. I get lots of waves from MC riders when on my scoot. Even got a cop to return one once. As for scoots, I get waves most the time, but I get the feeling that some scooterists (I've noticed this when people look at my bike up close) think I'm riding a Chinese scooter.

On my MC, I get about the same number of waves. I find scooterists are a little more, how do I want to put it, surprised? grateful? that a MC rider gives them a wave.

Finally, for those who don't shift, remember a motorcyclist is busy working the clutch at intersections. They may want to wave, but taking their hand off the clutch is just not convenient at times. I try to nod excitedly when caught in this situation.

Harley riders get a bad rap. A lot of people buy a Harley to buy into a lifestyle, which after all isn't a lot different than Vespa riders do (or scooterists in general). Harley is an American icon, and people want to identify with that. Personally, I'll take a Kawi Vulcan and get more bike for the money, but if money weren't an issue, I'd buy a Harley in a heartbeat. When you own a Harley, there's some ride or event to go to every day of the week. You are bound to find somebody in your neighborhood who owns one and want to go riding with you. It's easy, in other words, for people to buy these bikes and not have to spend much time cultivating the lifestyle. The older and I get and the more obligations I have, I have to admit there's something to that. At best, this makes for a diverse bunch of people all sharing one love. At worst, it does lend itself to a herd mentality. At a big event like Sturgis, that herd mentality isn't going to give much love to scooterists. But at bike night at the local Denny's you might find one or two Harley owners who will fess up to not only liking scooters, but maybe even owning one.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:09 am
by n2tattoos
if you're on two wheels, you get a wave from me whether you like it or not. :)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:09 am
by Cheshire
Oddly, the people I've come to not expect a wave from are...other scooters. About half of the motorcycles wave or wave back, but maybe 1 in 20 or more scooters will wave back here. Go figure.


Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:29 am
by gigi
sport bikes like me, 3-4 year old girls in mini vans find me irresistible, harleys some times, asian cruisers sometimes, gold wings NEVER, other scooter w/ young riders usually wave. coots on scoots sometimes yes, sometimes no. usually no, gold wing sounds like the start of an old amacham rant doesn't it?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:30 am
by laxer
Cheshire wrote:Oddly, the people I've come to not expect a wave from are...other scooters. About half of the motorcycles wave or wave back, but maybe 1 in 20 or more scooters will wave back here. Go figure.
I've found the same thing.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:51 am
by C2
Thanks all for the feedback. I mentioned this to a MC friend of mine (who drives a Vulcan 800) and he mirrored much of the same. Some people are just going to be asses, and some are not. I'm certainly not looking to get a wave from from everyone.. Hell, I don't do it to everyone - but some of the attitude I could do without.

All kids of riders out there...


Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:23 pm
by BuddyRaton
I think the entire wave or no wave thing is hilarious. around here waves are pretty much limited to weekends on A1A. during the week everybody is pretty much busy getting to and from work. My commute on the Burgman is 35 miles each way at 65 - 75 mph in heavy traffic. Waving is the last thing on my mind.

I also enjoy hearing how upset people get at how MC riders act...and then brag about how they took the squid, Harley, ..whatever ...light to light when usually the other guy doesn't even know he is supposed to be racing. Pretty much acting like the people they just complained about.

If you want to race...let me know..My 67GT is heavily modified and VERY fast. We will find a track and put down $1K each..winner take all

I know alot of MC riders..Sport bikes, Harleys, Hondas...whatever... almost all of them are good fun people then again there are a few aholes.

I know alot of scooterists almost all of them are good fun people...then again there are a few aholes.

I just don't take it personally...or that seriously. If someone is going to be a jerk on a bike...they are a doesn't matter to them what kind of bike...or near them.

As for "those" Harley riders.

On the long ride at White Sand Mayhem we were making our way through town on a 4 or 6 lane divided highway. There were probably 60 or 70 scooters in the pack. We were in the left turn lane and of course everybody didn't make it through the light.

The three guys on Harleys that were waiting to go in the opposite direction got their green light. They pulled forward a little bit and blocked traffic so everyone could make it through. I gave them a wave and a big yelp of thanks!

Most Harley riders are good guys...and gals...they just like different rides than I do!

I am a scooterist...If what other people think about me or my ride mattered I would get a Harley and dress like a pirate.

I don't take the supposed slights seriously...I'm having too much fun riding

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:52 pm
by iwabj

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:50 pm
by ScooterDave
Are you people serious?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:39 pm
by pyrocpu
Eric--how do scoots do going UP Mulholland, past The Rock Store, towards Kanan? Will they move OK??

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:17 pm
by polianarchy
I like to make extra vroom-vroom noises with my mouth when I'm stopped at a red light next to a motorcycle. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:46 pm
by ericalm
pyrocpu wrote:Eric--how do scoots do going UP Mulholland, past The Rock Store, towards Kanan? Will they move OK??
Hell yeah. We ride those routes pretty frequently, both ways and all around. The sportbikers will usually pass us, which is okay as long as they wait for a straightaway. Scooters can actually handle the curves better than the cruisers. I've gotten stuck behind a line of Harleys I could have easily passed.

Going to do some riding out here?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:50 pm
by pyrocpu
Hell yeah. We ride those routes pretty frequently, both ways and all around. The sportbikers will usually pass us, which is okay as long as they wait for a straightaway. Scooters can actually handle the curves better than the cruisers. I've gotten stuck behind a line of Harleys I could have easily passed.

Going to do some riding out here?
Probably not. :( I spent 20+ years out there; learned to drive on those very canyon roads... Mulholland, Stunt, Schuren, Latigo, Decker... If it's in the Santa Monicas, I've done them all... in a properly prepped car. :)

The Buddy can hang there? With the mediocre OE tires and the annoyingly-low centerstand??

Now, I will be back there visiting family around Xmas-time; I'll go if you lend me a scoot! :D

Re: MCs vs Scoots

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:53 pm
by Drumwoulf
C2 wrote:First off... I don't want to offend any of my “dual riding” MB brother and sisters with my upcoming rant. These are just some observations I have noticed since I began riding.
My commute to and from work is about 15 miles round trip. Along the way I usually see about 5-7 MCs. When I first started driving “Tang” to work, I got a bunch of nods, head dips and other two-wheeled love from the others around me. It was almost as if they knew I was a newbie, and were giving me support.
But now... it seems that almost all of the MC riders now want nothing to do with me, and are upset that I'm even riding on “their road.” I had a guy on a lovely Ducatti come up right on my ass, only to gun it and blow past me the other day. What the hell did I do? Is it because I don't lane split? Because I tend to ride in the right-hand lane?
Do MC riders really dislike us scooter folk that much?
"But if you're taking offense because a complete stranger is not acknowledging your greatness just because you're on two wheels, you need to re-evaluate your self worth."

Quote is from the other thread on this subject, and I think it's quite apt here too?
Methinks you're living inside your (overly-sensitive?) imagination too much...

The people here on MB all luv you, no?
-So f**k the rest of 'em! :twisted: :lol: